Jon hopkins insides zippy loom

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There are 29.97 frames per second in NTSC video. It then does the math for you and sends stretched or shrunk data to the hardware so the output fits.įrames are a leftover from production video that has made it into music and laser editing. Good laser software lets you view the music waveform 'envelope' and slide a slider along the time track to match the music events. Write down the timer count in minutes, seconds, frames for each event you would like to sync to. You should see beats as big spikes on the Audacity screen. Hint: Open your music in Audacity, look at the waveform, and use the force, er frame count to learn about fine timing. This is difficult when just using a frame streamer. Yes, Good show software does some serious work to fit the events to the timeline without the user seeing it. Oh my gosh, we have not had a good show programming / music theory discussion in like 2 years on PL.

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Then how dark black is a good color to use some times. Then you get to learn about Glissandos, Slides, Choruses and Codas. You must connect the music beats to the laser timing for synesthesia to occur. For example the successful 'Laser Dance Party' inventor in Canada insisted I learn to count to 16 for his live shows, some 20 years ago.

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Musical notes work in measures, and measures have counts.

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