Feedback page to be viewed and monitored by the college authority, to which student.Maintaining records of the librarian and other library staff.Requests column for teachers to ask for the introduction of new or essential books in the library.Columns for teachers to get the book issued if desired.Homepage for the student which has different buttons to navigate to pages containing the date of issue, date of return, fine charges, etc.Login portal for a student for security purposes of the library.Requests to the librarian can be sent to provide new books in the column.Columns provided to search book online.The following are some of the features provided by this project: Top 9 Programming Assignment Help Website.The owner can easily update, delete and insert data in the database with this project. This project also provides features and an interface for maintaining librarian’s records, student’s history of issues, and fines.
The main aim of this project is to provide an easy to handle and automated library management system. Looking for Library Management System Project Proposal.